What is You in Cartoon?
YOU IN CARTOON is an innovative way to "illustrate" your occasion with creativity and fun. We make products with unique designs for every type of occasion, Parties, Events, Weddings, Celebrations, Meetings, Tours, etc. All you need is to be willing to be different!
Currently everything is about customization. With customized parties, social networking websites, custom mobile apps and etc, the target of the industry has been you. However, even in the “customization”, it lacks ORIGINALITY. Most of the so called "custom products ", only apply your picture on the product and that’s it.
YOU IN CARTOON tells your story. We portray what makes you an unique individual. We want to hear about you and create an image that can be used during and after your party or event. Your cartoon printed in a shirt and smiles imprinted on the faces of your guests are our goal.